From The Bible
Thank God for the Bible! The all time best seller, God's Word is jammed full of incredible facts and figures, history and wisdom, commands and promises all design to enable God to reward those who diligently seek Him and be a "very present help in times of trouble."

Needs No Introduction
While the Bible needs no introduction, in the light of modern attacks on the validity of scripture and given the enormous Biblical study aids available, a few words might be helpful.
First, there is clear and persuasive proof God exists and is approachable as the Bible claims.
Second, God has provided vital and relevant information about the human condition that makes the Bible a must read for everyone, particularly parents. Given the risks and spiritual crises faced by teens and adults alike, every Christian parent will find that studying scripture and being studied by it is a lifeline to God for themselves and their family.
Finally, there's far more to learn from scripture than what immediately meets the eye. Mined for spiritual wealth for millennia, new and important insights are still discovered! For those interested in finding treasure new and old through honest, open and in depth look at Biblical Christianity we recommend our companion site
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In the Sidebar Menu you'll find resources that we hope will both stimulate and facilitate your pursuit of and understanding of the God of the Bible. To get started simply place your cursor on a category of interest and see where it leads. You can also join the discussion in a variety of ways including posting comments to God Blogs as well as making comments or asking questions by email of phone.