Adult Statistics.....

Today adults are falling into sin by the millions if not billions. If parents are being captured so easily what chance to our families have without God's presence, provision and protection?


Seven Paradoxes Regarding America's Faith

By The Barna Group

However, it's a bit troubling to see pastors feel they're doing a great job when the research reveals that few congregants have a biblical worldview, half the people they minister to are not spiritually secure or developed, kids are fleeing from the church in record numbers, most of the people who attend worship services admit they did not connect with God, the divorce rate among Christians is no different than that of non-Christians, only 2% of the pastors themselves can identify God's vision for their ministry they are trying to lead, and the average congregant spends more time watching television in one day than he spends in all spiritual pursuits combined for an entire week.

Morality Continues to Decay

By The Barna Group
See chart of "morally acceptable" behaviors...

Christian Divorce Rate Same as Non-Christians

By The Barna Group

Christians and Pornography

By Horizon Internet
  • Statistcially participation in every major destructive behaivor in the U.S. is the same for Christians as for others
  • 51% of pastors say cyberporn is a possible temptation. 37% say it is a current struggle . 4 in 10 pastors have visited a porn site (Christianity Today, Leadership Survey, December 2001).
  • 17.8% of all "born again" Christian adults (in America) have visited sexually-oriented Websites (Zogby survey conducted for Focus on the Family, 2000).
  • 63% of men attending "Men, Romance & Integrity Seminars" admit to struggling with porn in the past year. Two-thirds are in church leadership and 10% are pastors (Pastor's Family Bulletin, Focus on the Family, March 2000).
  • 1 in 7 calls to Focus' Pastoral Care Line is about Internet pornography (Pastor's Family Bulletin, Focus on the Family, March 2000).