Teen And Young Adult Crises of Faith.....

Young people all over the world are experiencing a crises of faith. Sadly this is true even for those still attending church by the end of high school and of college age.


Most Twentysomethings Put Christianity on the Shelf Following Spiritually Active Years

By The Barna Group

 "The most potent data regarding disengagement is
that a majority of twentysomethings
- 61% of
today’s young adults - had been churched at
one point during their teen years but they are
now spiritually disengaged (i.e., not actively
attending church, reading the Bible, or praying).
Only one-fifth of twentysomethings (20%) have
maintained a level of spiritual activity consistent
with their high school experiences.  Another one-fifth of teens (19%) were never significantly reached by a Christian community of faith during their teens and have remained disconnected from the Christian faith."
Spiritual Progress Hard to Find

By The Barna Group
"Unfortunately, "exit interviews" with teenagers reveal that the spiritual foundation laid by families and churches when they were younger is often inadequate. (For instance comparatively few early teens say that they learned enough Bible content to enable them to make important life decisions on the basis of biblical principles. Further, most teenagers have already made up their minds that once they become independent of their parents they will abandon church.)"
3 out of 4 Teens have Engage in Psychic or Withcraft-related Activity

By The Barna Group