Other Vital Topics......
With so much going on in our lives today there's never been a better time to pray. The challenges and opportunities of modern life daily present reasons to intercede as individuals and groups.
Reasons to Study and Pray
PrayingParents.org is a labor of love and work in progress as is our companion site GodBlog.net were you can access hundreds of compelling articles and hours of audio that should give you and your group much to think and pray about.
Some of these vital issues address the concerns such as the synergy of Faith and Reason. Topics include:
Another crucial topic facing our families today is abortion. We;ve developed quite a library of articles and audios regarding Pro-Life issues. These include:
- Introduction to Abortion
- What is abortion?
- Pro-Life Scriptures
- Abortion Risks
- Abortion Changes Everything
Also important to our success in prayer is a Biblical understanding of our faith. Quantum Christianity is a new look at some of the most important teachings of ancient scripture. These studies many articles and audios in the following categories: